Competition Resources

- Competition Entrants and Potential Entrants

As we hope you have noticed by now, a number of resources have been provided for use by competiton entrants in preparation of design solutions.

We have tried to capture the esssenence of the bridge through photography from one end of the bridge to the other. One thing that has been brought to our attention is that even though the photography is categorized by location on the bridge, it is still difficult to get a truly comprehensive understanding of how each section of the bridge connects to one another. For a map of the different sections, please refer to the Context Map provided on the Resources page –

Soon, we will documenting the entire length of the bridge by video. Please keep an eye on the blog and resources page for that update. While you are waiting for the official video produced by the Cleveland Design Competition, there is an amateur video that was taken by an attendee of one of the tours of the Detroit-Superior Bridge. Please feel free to take a few minutes to review the following two videos until we can release our videos and thank you in advance for your patience.

Walk Across Lower Level (Starts from West Catacombs)

Car Ride – Top Level of Bridge

If you have any additional requests that would allow you to better prepare your submission, please do not hesitate to email us at info@clevelandcompetition or submit a comment here on the blog.

Please keep an eye out for special blog posts from Competition Partners Historic Warehouse District and The Bridge Project!

Best regards,

Michael Christoff & Bradley Fink
Cleveland Design Competition Organizers


  1. Jason Eugene - reply

    Thanks for the video guys!

    • michaelchristoff - reply

      Thank you for your interest in the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition: Transforming the Bridge!

      There are more videos on the way. The third video is currently being uploaded and will be linked Monday morning. This video documents the ENTIRE length of the bridge as the video tours all the way from the West Catacombs to the East Pool. We anticipate uploading additional footage as the week progresses.

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