Award Winners
First Place (Tie: Awarded $3,500.00 USD)
Team: Archilier Architecture Kai Sheng, Donghwan Moon, Changsoo Park ,Tinxing Tao
Location: New York, NY
First Place (Tie: Awarded $3,500.00 USD)
Team: Ashley Craig, Edna Ledesma, Jessica Zarowitz
Location: Austin, TX
Third Place (Awarded $1,000.00 USD)
Team: Moxon Architects, Ben Addy, Tim Murray, Adam Holicksa, Pauline Marcombe, Augustine Ong, Jasper Stevens, Marcus Stokton
Location: London, UK
Honorable Mentions
Team: Nadja Korbut, Anastasia Vaynberg
Location: Russia
Team: Lauren McQuistion, Assad Abboud, Mark McQuistion
Location: Washington, DC
Team: Brandon Young, Thomas Nester, Gabriel Fey
Location: Lakewood, Ohio
Team: Crossboundaries Architects, Binke Lenhardt, Hao Dong, Diego Caro Serrano, Anne-Charlotte Wiklander, Cristina Portoles, Filip Galuszka
Location: Beijing, China
Team: Eva Goudron, Mariam Herdam, Chloe Leymarie, Baptiste Manet
Location: Paris, France
Team: Danielle Lax, Joshua Graham, Ying Zheng, Yuan Yuan
Location: Syracuse, NY
Team: Wurlitzer Architekten GMBH, Gudrun Wurlitzer
Location: Berlin, Germany
Special Note:
While only the Award Winners and Honorable Mentions are available here, all of the competition submissions are currently being formatted and uploaded for permanent exhibition on the Cleveland Design Competition webpage. Each submission will be able to be viewed here: Over the next few weeks you will see additional submissions uploaded to the permanent Online Gallery until all of the submissions have been uploaded. The Online Gallery has been setup to give EVERY ENTRANT their very own portfolio page.