Registration is now closed
Registration for the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition: Transforming the Bridge is now closed. Entries must be submitted by 5:00pm on October 12th, 2012 for those that have already completed registration.
If you would like to sign up for the Digital Submission process, please go the “Submit” page under the “Current Competition” tab. Entrants using the Digital Submission process have until 5:00pm to finish uploading their submission to the Competition Organizers. Entrants that use the Print Submission process must mail their submissions so that they arrive in Cleveland before 5:00pm on October 12. Entrants who post mark their submission prior to to October 12, but the submission doesn’t arrive until after that deadline, will be subject to disqualification.
Submission Methods
As an entrant to the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition, you have two options for submitting your entry. After you have successfully completed your registration, you will be issued a Unique Identification Number as well as asked to select which submission method you anticipate using. It is up to each entrant which method they prefer to use. To read more about the requirements of each submission method, please continue to the Submit page of the competition website – Click Here.