We are thrilled to announce the jury for the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition: Transforming the Bridge. The panel that has been put together was selected for demonstrated expertise with high design infrastructure projects, urban planning expertise, intimate knowledge of the bridge and representation from The Bridge Project who will be aggressively continuing community efforts to implement a real project after the design competition has concluded.
Tom Kennedy
Principal, Arup
Chicago, IL
James T. Dallman, AIA
Principal – LA Dallman
Milwaukee, WI
Chistopher Marcinkoski
Director, PORT A+U
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania Department of Landscape Architecture
Chicago, IL / Philadelphia, PA
Theresa Schwarz
Director, Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
Cleveland, Ohio
James Levin
Levin Ventures / Co-founder, Bridge Project Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
Bonnie Teeuwen
Director of Public Work, Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works
Cleveland, Ohio
Full Juror Biographies
Tom Kennedy
Principal, Arup
Tom Kennedy is a Principal at Arup and the Chicago Office Leader. He has over sixteen years expereince in a wide range of Civil Engineering projects and site development worldwide. While working on the Teardrop Park in Battery City, he managed the design of sustainable design aspects such as rain-water harvesting for re-use as a part of the site irrigation system. Tom’s recent projects include Yongsan IBD in Seoul, Meixi Lake Development Master Plan in Changsha, China, Fresh Kills Park on Staten Island, Hunter’s Park South, Long Island City and Shams Central Park, Abu Dhabi. Arup Chicago is currently leading the team on the Bloomingdale Trail for CDOT, which will transform a disused, elevated rail line into a multi-use linear park – the first of it’s kind in Chicago.
James T. Dallman, AIA
Principal – LA Dallman
Featured in the June 2012 Architect Magazine article exploring the firm’s design culture, LA DALLMAN has received over forty honors, including seven Design Awards from AIA Wisconsin, and prizes in international competitions. LA DALLMAN’s work is engaged in the transformation of site through spatial and material investigations of diverse scale and type, including buildings, bridges, landscapes and furniture. Seeking out new venues for architect’s agency and the re-integration of building, infrastructure and landscape, the practice works collaboratively with clients, community groups, engineers, fabricators, and scientists in specialized fields of inquiry. Built work includes Kilbourn Tower, the Miller Brewing Meeting Center (building by Ulrich Franzen), the UWM Hillel Student Center, the Great Lakes Future and City of Freshwater Science Exhibits at Discovery World, the Ravine House and the Gradient House. The Crossroads Project, transforming infrastructure for public use, includes a 700’ Marsupial Bridge slung from an existing viaduct, a bus shelter, and a media garden. The Trestle Stair, converting a train trestle to a public esplanade, will be completed fall 2012. Current work includes the Trail Hub, a landscape/building/bridge for the Oneida Nation, renovation/additions to a Performing Arts center (Harry Weese and Dan Kiley), and a Hybrid Arts building for a ballet, school, university dance program, and medical clinic. In summer 2012 the project was awarded a $100K National Endowment for the Arts Grant to pay for preliminary design fees.
Chistopher Marcinkoski
Director PORT A+U
Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania Department of Landscape Architecture
Christopher Marcinkoski is an Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a licensed architect and a founding director of PORT Architecture + Urbanism, an award-winning urban research and design consultancy based in Chicago. Prior to his appointment at Penn, Mr. Marcinkoski was a Senior Associate at James Corner Field Operations in New York City where he led much of the office’s large-scale master planning and urban design work including the winning competition entry and master plan for the 18 square kilometer QianHai Water City district of Shenzhen, China and the winning competition entry, master plan and public approval for the transformation of a 4,500-acre former penal farm into one of the world’s largest urban parks in Memphis, Tennessee.
Mr. Marcinkoski’s current research focuses on developing formats of settlement and urbanization that no longer rely on presumptions of continuous growth, but rather anticipate failure, interruption and the inevitable need for course correction. The work utilizes the numerous incomplete and unoccupied urban landscapes at the peripheries of Spanish cities as the basis of this research. His forthcoming book on the subject is entitled The City that Never Was.
Mr. Marcinkoski’s design work and research has been published internationally in a number of journals and books including Praxis 13 (Eco-Logics); PAISEA; Urban Infill Vol. 5; Via Books (Dirt); A+T (Strategy Space); Gateway: Visions for an Urban National Park; Landscape Architecture China; Metropolis Magazine; Concept Magazine; and 20|20: Editorial Takes On Architectural Discourse.
Mr. Marcinkoski’s current research focuses on developing formats of settlement and urbanization that no longer rely on presumptions of continous growth, but rather anticipate failture, interruption and the inevitable need for course correction. The work utilizes the numerous incomplete and unoccupied urban landscapes at the peripheries of Spanish cities as the basis of this research. His forthcoming book on the sbuject is entitled The City that Never Was.
Theresa Schwarz
Director, Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
Terry Schwarz is the director of Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative. Her work at teh CUDC includes neighborhood and campus planning, commercial and residential guidelines, stormwater management and green infrastructure strategies. Terry launched teh CUDC’s Shrinking Cities Institute in 2005 in an effort to understand and address the implications of population decline and large-scale urban vacancy in Northeast Ohio. As an outgrowth of the Shrinking Cities Institute, she established Pop Up City, a temporary use initiative for vacant and underutilized sites in Cleveland. In 2009, Terry received the Cleveland Arts Prize for Design. She teachers in teh graduate design curriculum for the KSU College of Architecture and Environmental Design. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University. Recently, the CUDC has been featured in Architect Magazine for the inclusion of their Pop Up City work in the 13th International Venice Architecture Biennale.
James Levin
Levin Ventures / Bridge Project Cleveland
Community activist, Attorney, Festival Director, Stage Director, Producer, Playwright, Lyricist and Impresario.
In 1981 James Levin founded the Cleveland Public Theatre, where he produced most of the work performed between the theaters inception and 2004. During his time at CPT he also launched arts and performance projects including: Performance Art Festival, New Plays Festival, Festival of Sound, African American Performance Series, Vaudeville 80′s & 90′s, American Indian Festival, LatinArts Festival and DanceWorks. In 2004 James co-founded Ingenuity; the Cleveland Festival of Art and Technology which annually transforms downtown Cleveland into a wonderland of performance, exhibits and high tech installations. Prior to Ingenuity, Levin launched the Gordon Square Arts District restoration project, a $20M capital Campaign in Cleveland’s Near West side and serviced as its founding director. Recently, he launched the Cleveland Bridge Project whose objective is the permanent restoration of the streetcar level of the Detroit Superior Bridge for use as a pedestrian thoroughfare, a site for commerce and as a venue for performance and visual art.
Bonnie Teeuwen
Director of Public Work, Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works
Bonnie Teeuwen is the director of the Public Works department for Cuyahoga County. The Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works is dedicated to providing a safe, efficient and economincal infrastructure system for residents, employees, businesses and visitors of Cuyahoga County.
Past Cleveland Design Competition Jurors: