Video Tours

Per request from potential entrants to the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition, videos of and on the bridge have been filmed and provided here on the competition webpage. While these videos are of an extremely amateur quality, they should help provide entrants from around the world a better understanding of the entire length and experience of the Detroit-Superior Bridge Lower Level.

Video 1 – West Entrance to Lower Level

(1 minute and 26 seconds)
This video starts at the offices and garage of Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works and walks toward one of two entrances located on the west side of the river. This is the main accessible entrance to the bridge.

Video 2 – From the West Entrance to the West Catacombs

(7 minutes and 1 second)
This video starts off at the entrance to the lower level, where the video immediately linked above this one, leaves off. The video walks you through the catacombs from the entrance pointing out the four zones that sit between each line of columns. Text appears throughout the video to help provide additional context to what is being shown.

Video 3 – From West Catacombs across the bridge to the East Pool

(14 minutes and 21 seconds)
This video walks you across the entire length of the bridge starting at the West Catacombs all the way to the East Pool Text appears throughout the video to help provide additional context to what is being shown. There are two areas called out in the West Catacombs – the hallway and the ramp. Additional videos are going to be uploaded to help illustrate the character of these areas shortly.

Video 4 – 360 View at Existing Eastern Entrance

(26 seconds)
This video starts just north of the eastern entrance to the bridge and pans 360 degrees. The video ends on a view to the entrance to the Lower Level of the Bridge.

Video 5 – 360 View from Southwest Corner of Intersection of West 25th and Detroit Avenue

(19 seconds)
This video starts looking north on West 25th. You can see Massimo da Milano at the beginning of the video; the corner of the building you are looking at is where the one set of stairs come up from the Lower Level of the Bridge into the restaurant/building lobby/vestibule. The video pans from north to south on West 25th and you can see the upper level steel of the Detroit-Superior Bridge off in the distance.

Video 6 – 360 View from Northeast Corner of Intersection of West 25th and Detroit Avenue

(23 seconds)
This video starts looking west on Detroit Avenue. At about eight seconds into the video you are looking at the lobby entrance to the Massimo da Milano building; the corner of the building you are looking at is where the one set of stairs come up from the Lower Level of the Bridge into the restaurant/building lobby/vestibule.